Our company

Our values

Handmade & home made

Since the beginning of Castello we always wanted our products to be the fruit of our personal and meaningful dedication, thus we insist on the handmade way of production, using traditional recipes we have already tried and enjoyed at home.

Selected Materials & Specialized Equipment

The quality of our products is our top priority, so we always make sure that the ingredients we use are unique and carefully selected. Then, it is up to our high-end equipment to ensure their freshness and home-made taste even after defrosting.

Quality & Control

We thoroughly design and control all stages of our production process in order to comply with the specifications of international Food Safety and Health Management Systems; from the introduction of raw materials up to the distribution of our products. Our company is officially certified to EN ISO 22000: 2005.

Price & Partnership Policy

We only work with suppliers sharing our business philosophy on the quality and safety of our products, in order to offer our customers a wide variety of delicious, practical and easy to use quality nutrition suggestions the can trust, always in fully competitive prices. At the same time we keep on expanding our sales network to new horizons that meet our business principles and share with us the same attitude and outlook for growth and development.

Our people

Our people are our most important asset. Every single day, no matter what it may come, they are always present, honoring us with their trust and devotion while they cook, knead, and embellish with us the most beautiful story ever told: the story of Castello.

Our principles

The elementary principles on which our whole enterprise, philosophy and policy are built upon have always been respect, dedication, adaptability, uniqueness and love for the products we make. The omnipresent family nature of our company reinforces our willingness to create while we carefully develop what began long ago as a small, personal and hopeful venture to a distinguished and sustainable company.

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